Plant Name

Echinodorus Harbich

Common name

Harbich's Sword

Sciencetific name

(Echinodorus sp.) Harbich (Note: The exact scientific name could not be identified based on available information)


The conservation status of Echinodorus Harbich is not currently assessed as it may be a less common or hybrid variety cultivated for aquarium use.


Echinodorus Harbich, commonly known as Harbich's Sword, is an aquatic plant that showcases its unique and attractive characteristics. The specific features and appearance of this plant can vary depending on its hybrid or cultivar status. Generally, it exhibits vibrant green foliage and may have distinct leaf shapes, sizes, or colorations, contributing to its visual appeal within aquariums.


Since "Echinodorus Harbich" appears to be a hybrid or less common variety, its exact distribution in the wild is not well-documented. It is likely to be a cultivated and propagated variety rather than a naturally occurring species.


As "Echinodorus Harbich" may be a cultivated or hybrid variety primarily intended for the aquarium trade, it is not facing any significant threats in terms of conservation. It is often grown under controlled conditions, ensuring a stable supply without impacting wild populations.


Harbich's Sword, as a unique cultivar or hybrid, may have specific care requirements that vary from other more widely known Echinodorus species. As with other Echinodorus plants, it generally appreciates moderate to bright lighting and nutrient-rich substrate in aquariums. Regular fertilization and trimming can promote healthy growth and maintain its attractive appearance. Propagation of "Echinodorus Harbich" may be achieved through methods applicable to other Echinodorus species, such as division or adventitious plantlets.

Conservation efforts

As "Echinodorus Harbich" is likely a cultivated variety and not harvested from the wild, specific conservation efforts solely focused on this variety may not be necessary. However, supporting responsible cultivation practices and the preservation of diverse aquatic plant varieties contribute to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Please note that the information provided is based on the template and general knowledge about Echinodorus plants up to September 2021. As "Echinodorus Harbich" is a less common or hybrid variety, the available information may be limited. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to consult specialized aquatic plant nurseries or references from expert enthusiasts.